Web design and development

Brainzet Design case

Preparing cost analysis, establishing team roles, creating roadmaps. Defining business goals, key business values, target users, main features, prioritising. We can find you similar projects that are already active on the market to benchmark against. We can assist you with creating user personas, mock-ups, user stories, time frame, establishing project status and preparing project estimation.


Ahnaf Chowdhury


Design & Development


UI Screens, UX Flow & Application

About the project

Every developer wants to wear something different than others and extra-ordinary, but there are no options to do that. There is no good design and fabric with some programming concepts like programming language-oriented t-shirts, coding syntax, programming quotes, etc. That's why Devwear will be an option for developer programmers. Our main goal is a great user experience. Fast load, less lagging, optimized, and minimalistic UI design with many big deals!

    1. We'll be create outline project specification, prepare wireframes, details concerning integration.

    2. Creating user personas, mock-ups, user stories, time frame, establishing project status.

    3. Prepare server-side architecture, front end, back end, graphic and UX design, and create back-office consoles.

    4. Defining business goals, key business values, target users, main features, prioritising.

Core Team

Welcome our talented team of professionals

Abdur Rahman

Abdur Rahman

Chairman of Barcode Group & Brainzet

Mammud Islam Shakil

Mammud Islam Shakil

CEO - Brainzet

Nasrin Akter

Nasrin Akter

CTO - Brainzet

Ahmed Nurul Islam

Ahmed Nurul Islam

Chief of Public Relation

Kamon Ahmed

Kamon Ahmed

Project Manager

Omar Faiyaz

Umme Sadeka

Frontend Engineer

Omar Faiyaz

Zahirul Islam Akash

Frontend Engineer

Omar Faiyaz

Nazmul Huda

Full Stack Engineer

Hasibul Hasan

Hasibul Hasan

Product Manager

Omar Faiyaz

Sohel Ahmed

UI/UX Designer

ABM Ehtesham Muntasir

ABM Ehtesham Muntasir

SEO Specialist

Mahamud Hasan Emon

Mahamud Hasan Emon

Sales Executive

How we do it

We evaluate the result after every two weeks, we test our work (we conduct both development and acceptance tests), we present it to you, we apply your feedback so you know you get what you are paying for. We thoroughly monitor our developers and control how much time they spend on each task down to the exact minute. We use Harvest software and Redmine to track time spent on your project.

    1. From the planning stage to each finished version, we invite you to evaluate and improve our work.

    2. We are always ready to listen and communicate.

    3. Assign additional team members to speed up each phase of the development process.

    4. provide you with technical support and app maintenance should you need it.


Let's build something great together

Together we build our dream, you can join us with full trust and faith. Our team will never disappoint you. So lets dive in Brainzet 😀

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